The Want, Need, Wear, Read Gift Phenomenon
If you’re on Instagram, you may have heard a few “Insta-Mum’s” talk about the wear, need, wear, read gift strategy for Christmas. This was certainly news to me this year and I was intrigued to find out more. So what is it? It is exactly that, your child(ren) receives four gifts each – one they want, one they need, one they can wear and one they can read.
Initially the idea struck me as an interesting one and certainly one that would help make buying presents for children a bit easier, if you struggled in that department. But with everything there are opinions from all angles. Some families are all for it especially for their older children (though distinguishing wants from needs could be tricky!), claiming that it gets them thinking about quality over quantity. Some families are not quite so on board, saying that Christmas is all about watching their children open presents and couldn’t limit themselves to just buying four!
There is also the monetary value you place on the presents – if any. How would that work? Especially with little ones, when quite frankly – who knows what they really want! The wrapping paper probably! Personally, I like the idea. My rational brain is thinking it’s quite sensible and could help with that mad Christmas overspend we tend to fall into. Though I think that it may be something we could implement when our family is older.
But right now, I’m joining forces with my slightly irrational brain and thoroughly enjoying buying a few more that four presents for my little guy. Perhaps when siblings come along, I might have to rethink that…. What are your thoughts?